Home GNBU UN CRC Report

Priorities of the Girls Not Brides Uganda National Partnership for the UN CRC Report

Greetings from Education & Development Opportunity – Uganda (EDOU)!

Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage (GNB) commissioned Girls Not Brides Uganda National Partnership (GNBU) to write a shadow report on child marriage for Uganda for the UN Committee on the Rights of a Child (UN CRC). EDOU was selected to lead the writing of the report.

EDOU convened a consultative workshop with GNBU representatives to inform the report. However, to ensure that every GNBU member and key stakeholder contributes to this report, we are using this online form to receive your input.

After gathering your views, we shall compile a draft report and hold a virtual report validation meeting. This will be another avenue for you to contribute to the report further so that the final product reflects our views. This should happen around mid-September. A final report will then be submitted to GNB and the UN CRC.

We are excited to have you contribute to this critical report, and we trust that your expertise and experience will enrich it. If you have any questions or need more information about this exercise, please  contact: Brian Mutebi at +256 701 378219 or

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