Game Connect Africa-Jinja

Region: Eastern Region
Main area of Work: Health
Bukobooli Village ,Nakalama sub county, Iganga District

Game Connect Africa is a Community Based Organization (CBO) aimed at empowering Children, protect, educate, Treat and rise above adversity using the power of sports for sustainable development in the Communities of Eastern Busoga Region through transformative leadership, advocacy, sexual Reproductive health education, and skills development.

We work in disadvantaged rural communities, focusing on enhancing children’s learning, development, and access to medical care services and education through play. We take an innovative child-centred approach to education and use the power of play to transform the lives of children through our play programmes. We work with some of the most vulnerable children and communities in Busoga region, supporting children living in extreme poverty and those experiencing danger, displacement, on streets, conflict, and humanitarian disasters to have justice.

Game Connect Africa Uganda believe Children learn best through play. It’s an essential part of their development. But not every child gets the time and chance to play in the rural areas of Uganda as he or she may deserve. That’s where we come into partner with parents, schools, health facilities, prisons, churches, and other stakeholders to make learning through play a priority for children in Busoga region -Eastern Uganda.

We work with children, parents, caregivers, teachers, Health workers, community leaders and NGOs/CSO/FBO to highlight the importance of play and enable them to integrate play-based initiatives for enhanced education, health, and development outcomes.

Through play, children flex and find their way. Instead of noting down rigid facts and figures, they hone ways of thinking, creating, working together and testing ideas. All skills they’ll need to thrive throughout their lives.
So, the sooner we bring learning through play into every home and classroom, the sooner we help our children get set for tomorrow. Whatever tomorrow looks like.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Gender Equality
Contact: Samuel Kibi
Position: CEO /Founder
Headquaters: Iganga
Org Type: Community-Based
Facebook: Game Connect Africa
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