Sanyu Centre for Arts and Rights (SARI)

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Gender Equality
Kyebando-Tuyanye, Nansana, Hoima road

Sanyu Centre for Arts and Rights is a creative and cultural organisation that uses ART-IVISM among young people to create positive social change. Our passion is driven by the need to address gender fueled injustices affecting girls and young women in our communities including limited opportunities to education, unemployment, mental health challenges, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, limited access to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and limited participation in civic spaces.

We use visual and performing arts through community forums for theater, film screenings, written narratives and storytelling in communities and schools to drive conversations on pertinent issues affecting young people including Sexual Reproductive Health rights, mental health, sexual violence, environment stewardship in community.

The arts forums help to break the loud silence and bring down usually gender and cultural driven barriers that communities put up usually on the above issues. SARI also produces content inform of short films, audio dramas and pictures for rights awareness and advocacy. Furthermore, SARI promotes creative enterprises through equipping girls, young women and youth with skills in arts, design and business for incomes.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Contact: Sylvia Nalubega
Position: Director
+256 779 971326
Headquaters: Wakiso
Org Type: Youth-Led
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