Just Like My Child Foundation

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Gender Equality
KALUDO Complex, Kasana Luwero

Just Like My Child Foundation (JLMC) is an NGO registered to operate in Uganda promoting adolescent girls’ empowerment. Just believes that when women and girls are empowered, they are able to transform themselves and others. make decisions in every dimension of their lives, hold institutions accountable, shape the choices that are on offer and believe they are entitled to do so.

JLMC’s Mission is to empower vulnerable adolescent girls by enabling them to create healthy, self-sustaining families who prosper without further aid.

JLMC’s Vision is to empower one million vulnerable adolescent girls and the communities they live in thereby creating a dramatic improvement in the world’s health, economic stability and environment.

JLMC Objectives:

  • To empower adolescent girls and boys through life skills training so they can avoid early school dropout, early pregnancy, forced and child marriage diseases and sexual violence.
  • To build the capacity of communities to advocate for the rights of children and ably refer children’s rights violation to relevant offices.
  • To promote health through education and access to services on HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health.
  • To promote girls’ education for vulnerable adolescent girls through secondary school sponsorship.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Gender Equality
Contact: Audrey Kanyesigye
Position: Director
+256 772 018167
Headquaters: Luwero
Org Type: National NGO
Facebook: just like my child foundation
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