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Youth In Action For Development Initiative

Region: Western Region
Main area of Work: Advocacy
Kasiina, Kyenjojo Town council, 2KM from Kyenjojo town
Youth in Action for Development Initiative (YIDI) is a not-for profit, non-governmental youth organization started in 2004 as a community based organization sensitizing the youth about HIV/AIDS prevention through drama in Kigoyera parish, Kyarusozi sub county, Kyenjojo district. As a result of the experience attained in schools and the community, YIDI in 2011 transformed into an NGO Registration number S. 5914/9219 YIDI undertakes three broad program areas namely; Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Program, Sustainable Livelihoods and Environmental Protection Program and Land and Civic Education Program.

YIDI collaborates with existing social structures such as the family, education institutions and religious institutions to promote youth participation in development programs. YIDI’s Executive director is the South western regional Coordinator for Girls not brides Ugandan partnership to end child marriage. Currently spearheading the intensive stakeholder dialogues to address issues of child marriage through coordination and mobilization of the regional Girls summits, sharing experience and providing platforms for girls to raise their voice and realize their full potential.

YIDI has a versed experience in implementing HIV and AIDS projects targeting most at risk populations, orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC), The activities included conducting meeting for stakeholders, Identification of village health teams, interaction with the church leaders, community mobilization conducting HIV sensitization seminars for men alone, conducting HIV testing and counselling, linking HIV+ children, adolescents and adults to the health facilities for ART initiation including mothers for Prevention of mother to child transition of HIV (PMTCT).

Vision: – Our vision “Empowered and healthy youths in a protected environment”.
Mission: “To promote the socio- economic wellbeing of the youth and enhance their capacity to fight against HIV/AIDS, poverty and protect the environment for sustainable development”

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Contact: Adolf Muhumuza
Position: Team leader
+256 783 909690
Headquaters: Kyenjojo
Org Type: Youth-Led
Facebook: https://www.facebook/youthinactionfordevelopmentinitiative
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