Give Hope Uganda (GHU)

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Advocacy
Bukasa Close, Kirinnya, Bweyogerere

Give Hope Uganda (GHU) is a dynamic youth led and youth serving organization that was founded in 2017 as a
Community Based Organization that seeks to advance and promote quality and improved health and well-being for adolescents and young people with specific emphasis on promotion of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Enhancing Gender Equality.

GHU’s overall goal is to empower vulnerable and marginalized adolescent girls and young women to live quality lives with equity, dignity and opportunities to realize their full potential.

GHU focuses on changing social norms and values that limit access to SRHR Services and information through designing effective communication strategies and campaigns to create awareness and mitigate sexual health risks among the young people today.

Our Vision
Restoring Hope for Children, Youth, Women to express themselves in hands with sustainable programs that improve
access to sexual and reproductive health and rights and service delivery to all developmental issues regardless of their Gender, Sexuality, and Race.

Our Mission
To deliver cutting edge interventions which creates opportunities
for livelihood improvement for children, youth, women

Core Values:

  • Equality
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Team work
  • Participation
  • Diversity

Other Areas of Work

Gender Equality
Contact: Denis Kisubi
Position: Team Leader
+256 709 374347
Headquaters: Wakiso
Org Type: Community-Based
Facebook: Give Hope Uganda
© 2024-30 Girls Not Brides Uganda - GNBU. All rights reserved.