Plan for Hope Initiative Uganda

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Education
P.O BOX 147960, Plot 32, Impala Avenue, Kololo, Kampala- Uganda
This organization brings together young vulnerable people who have lost hope for the future due to economic imbalances in their families and entire society. We support them through working closely with their families, school authorities, community leaders, local and government stakeholders. We believe that economic empowerment of the impoverished families of young people and keeping children in schools can break the cycle of poverty, to realize the global Sustainable Development Goals.

We are passionate about supporting all efforts to keep children in school especially the Girl Child because we are deeply convinced that an educated girl is an empowered woman. Cognizant that to achieve Gender equality (SDG5,5.3) we must collectively end child marriage and all harmful practices against women and girls. Support quality, accessible and affordable education for all girls.

Not investing enough in girls has increased levels of child marriages and teenage pregnancies in Uganda as the child marriage statistics stand at 34%, whereas teenage pregnancies stand at 25%. #TowardsZeroChilMarriage.

Mission: To restore hope in young vulnerable people through enhancing their capabilities to bring about sustainable change in their families and the entire society  
Vision: Realizing sustainable development and self-reliance in young vulnerable people after hope restoration Slogan: Charity To the Child is Divine

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Gender Equality
Contact: Rossette Ainepurani
+256 39 3208263
Headquaters: Kampala
Org Type: National NGO
© 2024-30 Girls Not Brides Uganda - GNBU. All rights reserved.