Action for Girls Uganda (A4GU)

Region: Eastern Region
Main area of Work: Advocacy
Uganda Red Cross Society building. Malera Road

Action for girls Uganda (A4GU) is locally registered organization as community-based organization/voluntary and charity in nature that is located in Kumi Municipality, Kumi district. The organization was established in 2020. A4GU was established on the urgency of ending child marriages and achieving gender equality. This establishment was as result of numerous and escalating cases of child marriage and teenage pregnancy that had no attention. Since its establishment in 2020, the organization has reached over 4,500 girls and 1500 boys with information on sexual reproductive health rights, menstrual health management and information on child marriage.

Since inception, A4GU has been recognized by the local authorities In Kumi and surrounding districts for her commitment towards ending child marriage, promoting and advocating for SRHR of young people, women and men, sensitizing on Sexual gender-based violence and violence against women and girls.

The organization since it was established has directly benefited /uplifted 1500 girls from 7 primary schools with menstrual hygiene management products through supplies and built the capacity of 120 girls and 60 boys and 8 senior women teachers on how make reusable Sanitary towels using local available materials, this knowledge has since been used to improve menstrual hygiene practices among girls in school and out of school. This has further improved accessibility, affordability of the menstrual products.

Currently action for girls operates majorly in schools within the municipality and a total of 8 primary schools and 4 secondary schools.

Vision: A society free from gender based violence, teenage pregnancy & child marriages.

Mission: To achieve social justice, gender equality and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights through working with women, girls, boys, and men.


  1. To end child marriages and teenage pregnancies
  2. Strengthen community efforts to respond and mitigate effects of climate change
  3. To promote advocacy towards access to quality education, SRHR and menstrual health products among girls
  4. Mobilize communities to combat HIV/Aids
  5. End domestic violence against women and girls
  6. Promoto entreprenuership and skilling and economic empowerment for girls and boys.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Contact: Tukei Benjamin
Position: Team Leader
+256 774 573723
Headquaters: Kumi
Org Type: Community-Based
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