Rhythm of Life Uganda

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Health
Rhythm of Life is a non-profit organization formed in 2013. Currently, we run health outreaches in the red light districts of Kampala (Uganda) for HIV-positive sex workers. In time, our aim is to build a permanent health cafe in Kampala for these women who have / are facing stigma and exclusion from healthcare. We also want to bring an end to the cycle of mother-to-daughter prostitution.

We have created a sponsorship programme to support their daughters in education and professional healthcare training. Most importantly, through our economic empowerment initiatives, our women will eventually be able to independently support their daughters through school. Our Mission We work towards improving the health of sex workers in Uganda and breaking the vicious cycle of mother-to- daughter prostitution by establishing and running health cafes in their red light areas and providing education accessibility to their daughters.

Our Vision We work towards improving the health of sex workers in Uganda and breaking the vicious cycle of mother – to – daughter prostitution by establishing and running health cafes in their red light areas and providing education accessibility to their daughters Theory of Change To provide educational opportunities to daughters of HIV positive sex workers through the project, “Her Tomorrow.” This includes funding for primary, secondary, and higher education.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Contact: Harriet Kamashanyu
Headquaters: Wakiso
Org Type: Community-Based
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