Sabiny Transformation Initiative

Region: Eastern Region
Main area of Work: Economic Empowerment
Kapchorwa Municipal Council

Sabiny Transformation Initiative (STI) was formed with a purpose to transform communities into a strong, united and influential partners in development. Our main agenda is to promote gender equality through creating spaces for all to speak up, participate and benefit from decision making processes.

Sabiny Transformation Initiative was formed after the realization that the communities especially women, girls and vulnerable persons were wallowing in poverty and being afflicted by injustice calling for not only a collective action but also a strong voice of women, girls and vulnerable persons to address these deep-rooted challenges that were occasioned by societal injustices and male chauvinism.

STI enjoys cordial working relationship with district stakeholders, development partners and the community especially women, men and girls within Sebei Sub-region-Kapchorwa, Kween and Bukwo Districts.

STI operates in the entire Sebei Sub region with its offices located in Plot 7, KADFA Building, Nyerere Close off Kapchorwa-Sironko Road.

Mission: “To promote gender equality through creating spaces for all to speak up, participate and benefit from decision making processes’’.

Vision: “A society were gender equality and respect for human rights is a culture”.

Other Areas of Work

Gender Equality
Contact: Kusuro
Position: Executive Director
+256 772 946008
Headquaters: Kapchorwa
Org Type: Women-Led
Facebook: Sabiny Transformation Initiative
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