Shadows of a Child

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Advocacy
Plot 166, Block 230. P.O. Box 70191 Kalina Zone Nakasongola

Shadows of a Child (SoC) is a humanitarian,non-discriminating organization registered as a not-for- profit that is passionate about caring for children and young women and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations. Shadows of a Child was founded in 2013.

Mission: To equip, promote, support and advocate for community structures that nurture the growth of children ,adolescent girls and young women.

Our mission is to achieve change by working closely with families and communities at the grass roots level in providing emergency relief and ongoing support to children. We are constantly searching out the sometimes dangerous situations affecting children. At times, (with permission) children are removed from their homes and taken to the hospital or our care facility for treatment. Care is given on an individual basis until it is safe for the child to return to their family or other means of long-term solutions are met.

Educational Sponsorship is a new endeavor for us. We realize how vital it is for every child to have access to good education. School is not free in Uganda. Even our public system requires fees that many of our families just cannot afford. Through a sponsorship program that partners with our donors, we are striving toward school enrollment for all of our children.

We work in partnership with other agencies that share our passion and desire to help children in need. We involve the local Village Health Care System, law enforcement, Community Elders and Churches.

We provide training and counseling to child-mothers; skills to enable them to earn a living, to care for themselves and their children. We counsel community members in areas of child protection and nurturing. We are also involved in creative entrepreneurial enterprises such as agribusiness. We firmly believe in the African proverb; “It takes a village to raise a child.”


Child focused: All our works focus on the child’s wellbeing
Grassroots based: Working in the communities where children are dangerously at risk.
Diversity: Driven by individual community priorities and needs.
Shared Responsibility: The family is the first line of defense. By supporting children within their homes and families, we reduce their vulnerability and improve their lives.
Innovative: We aim for bold, creative and unique intervention.
Impactful: Our projects must be meaningful, measureable and sustainable.

Other Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment
Gender Equality
Contact: Nakayiza Maria Caroline
Position: Executive Director
0785 179828
Headquaters: Nakasongola
Org Type: Youth-Led
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