Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI)

Region: Central Region
Main area of Work: Advocacy
Plot 284 kisasi, off Kulambiro Road, Kampala, Uganda

TAHI’s goal is to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights through evidence-based programming and advocacy. We are dedicated to providing quality services and information to young people, particularly adolescent girls and young women, to ensure that they can access the full range of reproductive health services and take advantage of the best outcomes for their lives.

TAHI works towards the realization of its goals by conducting evidence-based research on SRHR issues, advocating for policy reforms in the area of SRHR, engaging young people in SRHR discussions, training healthcare providers to deliver SRHR-related services, and providing services to young people. We focus on bridging the gap between what young people need and the available services that can meet those needs.

We are committed to creating an enabling environment for young people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health without stigma or discrimination. We also strive to create a world where young people are empowered to realize their sexual health and rights without fear of oppression or abuse.

Contact: Charles Tumwebaze
+256 779 372 572
Headquaters: Kampala
Org Type: National NGO
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